
5-6-7 Dicembre 2009

Intensivo di ASHTANGA YOGA

IALS (via Fracassini, 60) 

Sabato 5 e Domenica 6 ore 10,00 – 12,00

Lunedì 7 ore 13,00 – 15,00

(un giorno 11 €, 3 giorni 27 €)

Mysore style ingresso in sala dalle ore 10 il sabato e la domenica, alle 13,00 il lunedì

Classe guidata ingresso in sala alle 10,30 il sabato e la domenica, alle 13,30 il lunedì


DSC_028124, 25, 26, 27 luglio Filettino (Monti Simbruini)

ad un’ora e mezza da Roma

Residence Le Conifere Via della Panoramica

Intensivo di Ashtanga yoga e yoga flow

4 Giorni di yoga intensivo immesi nel verde dei monti Simbruini (presso il Residence le Conifere, dove oltre allo yoga potrete usufruire della piscina e dei campi da tennis condominiali)

Per info e costi   339/5316137


Sorgente Aniene Filettino

Sorgente Aniene Filettino







2/7(Sat) 14:30-17:00 The dance of breath Vol.1 body and mind
(how to synchronize movement with music in a DANCE OF THE BREATH)

Introduction to the vinyasa system: how to synchronize the the movement with the breath, inhalation and exhalation, movements of expansion and contraction.

2/8(Sun) 14:30-17:00 The dance of breath Vol.2music and breath
(how to express throught the body our feelings, transforming them in MOVEMENTS)

After 40 minutes of yoga flow (sequence of asanas using the vinyasa breathing) to warm our bodies up we will start to study a choreography (sequence of asanas-dance steps), and after having memorized it, we will smoothly perform it with the music.)
The dance of breath
A fusion between yoga and dance, music and breath, body and mind

During these two days we will explore different ways to express our bodies, floating into the melody of our breath, through the rhythm of musical notes. We will create easy choreographies using asanas and dance steps: we will perform the sequence of postures as dancers perform their ballets: the mat will be our stage and the body will be protagonist and spectator at the same time.

The workshop is aimed to experience new movements and new postures to free our emotions keeping the control of our body-minds. It’s suitable for dancers who want to approach yoga and for yogis who want to learn to express their body through yoga techniques.

Under The Light Yoga School(アンダー・ザ・ライトヨガスクール)

For reservations, please contact Under The Light Yoga School

Monica Manzini

Monica teaches vinyasa and ashtanga yoga in Rome, integrating them with classes of yoga dance.

She started to build up knowledge and consciousness about the body since she was a child studying ballet, modern jazz and eurhythmics (to which she dedicated herself for more than 20 years).

She got interested to yoga observing that through this old science she could have cured a never healed contracture provoked when she was very young. So in the beginning yoga was an integrative method to the ballet: she realized that yoga allows to loosen up joints, to lengthen muscles, to better use energy, to protect the body from usury, to discover oneself potentiality, to control the body.

Once she had experience on her body the benefits of some techniques, learnt from many different teachers of different schools, she started to look for a sole teacher who could introduce her into the practice and who could transmit her a method to teach yoga as well.

After having tried different kind of yoga and different western teachers at last she met Lino Miele and Tina Pizzimenti and started to practice ashtanga yoga.

Her need of a more interior knowledge pushed her to India, once in Kovalham in the Kerala, with Lino Miele and Tina Pizzimenti, and an other time in Mysore in the Kerantaka to Pattabhi Jois and Sharaht Rangaswami.

Her search didn’t finish there: the need to experience and to adapt the practice to the individual and not the individual to the practice pushed her to delve into other forms of yoga, like the vinyasa flow. As a dancer she likes creating always new sequences and letting people experience new asanas.

Teaching everyday with passion and devotion she tryies to transmit her knowledge in a creative and personalized way.

She is graduated in Psychology and graphology and she follows an approach that integrates psychological theories and technicians to yoga philosophy in a holistic vision of the human being.


投稿者: associate 日時: 2009年01月04日 08:11 | パーマリンク 





  1. Thank you for sharing an inspiring yoga experience. Practicing yoga can really create a positive impact in our lives.

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    Keep writing and I’ll try to continue reading! Thanks for your effort -Maynard

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